SA Blog Awards…The results are out.

The results are out…
SA Blog Awards Badge
Unfortunately I did not make the Top 3 for 2014.
Winner: Travelstart
Runner up: Getaway
Runner up: TravelGround
My congratulations to all three of you.
But you won’t be able to rest on your laurels as I will return for 2015!
To all of those who voted for me, a VERY BIG THANK YOU.
I will continue to produce the best Blog postings that I can.
If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see on this Blog
or how to improve on the current format,
please email me:
Making Top 3 for a independent single Blogger is not an easy feat.
 In 2012 and 2013 I was beaten by companies
with divisions dedicated to running Blogs.
And in 2014 it happened again.
This is NOT a complaint, merely a statement.
I do it all by myself and enjoy writing every posting that I publish.
My Blog was started before the Awards were established
and the 320000 readers that I currently have enjoy what I produce
on a daily basis.
Follow me on Twitter: @davidbatzofin
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