Put your best foot forward. A guided walk at Safari Guide of the Year 2022

“A walk in nature walks the soul back home.” - Mary Davis




Hosted at the Southern African Wildlife College by Bushwise, dressed by Ruggedwear and with boots supplied by Sapmok, our group set out to join finalist Solomon Ndlovu on a guided bushwalk during the recent Safari Guide of the Year 2022.




There are many aspects to the kit that guides use when heading out on a guided walk, from the quality and accuracy of their rifle to the type of backpack and what it can hold for both themselves and their guests.

But one of the most important is the brand of boots that they choose. Comfort is essential and Sapmok, who once again came on board again as a sponsor for Safari Guide of the Year 2022, proved that with their product.

To quote the Sapmok website: “Sapmok is an all adventure brand with a unique product offering of ethical leather vellies and other footwear for women, men and kids! Our products are tailored to give an authentic feel and real-life experience“.




Each of the finalists, as part of the competition deliverables, had to walk with a group of guests and judges. On this particular walk, Solomon had judges James, Juan and Lucas who came along to ascertain that the required levels of competency were achieved.

At the beginning of every walk, the guide will always explain what is required and do a detailed safety briefing about what needs to happen should there be an emergency of any sort.

The most important is. obey all commands without question. Don’t get in front of the rifle and last but by no means least, NEVER, NEVER RUN.

The last goes against all of our survival instincts, but in the wild, if you are running, you are prey. It is as simple as that!




Hi ho, Hi ho…it is off into the bush we go.

Single file and no chatter (or mobile phone rings) are the order of the day.




“I think that we will head off in that direction”.




Aside from looking left and right when walking, it is also important to learn to read the tracks and signs that will indicate what species might be in the immediate vicinity.

This is not a skill that the guests are required to have, as it is the job of the guide to be able to competently assess the tracks and make the necessary adjustments to direction, should it be required.




Ammunition is as important as a bottle of water or a first aid kit.

Remember that a rifle is merely a tool, like a multitool, it is there as a last resort only, hence each guide who is a qualified trails guide undergoes an advanced rifle handling course.

The calibre of choice is usually a .375 or a .458. However, there are more qualified guides who choose to carry a .505, which is a real monster.

On the walk, Solomon was also carrying an air horn which could be used to either summon help or to change the mind of inquisitive wildlife.

Judge James looks on as Solomon shares information with our group.




We had only been walking a short distance, but Solomon had already broken a sweat.




We stopped off at this tree while both Solomon and Judge Lucas shared stories about how important it was in their culture.




A crash course in how to make a thatch roof from Solomon.

When game species were not plentiful, Solomon used the opportunity to share stories of his upbringing and his culture with us, like this roofing demonstration.

It turned what might have been a ‘bland’ walk into one that informed, educated and entertained.




The walk took place through different vegetation types, each of which had a purpose and a story.




Towards the end of the walk, Solomon even showed us how he, as a youngster, made mouse traps which could be utilized to obtain a food source.




Iconic guide and tracker Lucas shared some of his background with us. A truly humbling experience to be in the presence of one of the guiding industry greats.




Time to head back home…




Sunset in the Lowveld and we return safely to the Southern African Wildlife College to share our experiences around the campfire while enjoying a delicious meal.

Many thanks to Solomon for a walk that I will remember for a long time.



With thanks to all the sponsors, without whom, Safari Guide of the Year 2022 would not be the success that it was!






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