Homeward Bound.

Johannesburg to Cape Town road trip.
The last part of our journey

Homeward Bound. Simon and Garfunkel
My view of the N1 from the top of Trappieskop in Hanover
700km’s behind us…

702 km’s still lie ahead

The only donkey cart we saw on the entire trip

There were several of these stops along the way.
Not all had thatch roofs.
None of them had any trees for shade.

Although their is a train line that runs alongside the N1,
it seems to be underutilized and hence the plethora of trucks on the road

A Karoo dust storm.
As quickly as it appeared, it vanished

Luckily we only encountered two of these stops.
Neither held us up for longer than 10 minutes

My usual “working” shot…
From the passenger seat.

The only “disagreement” Jayne and I had on the trip was about these.
We were uncertain as to where the measurement started and finished.
And there were several along this portion of the N1

Off the main road…so it must be frequented by the locals?

I wonder if this is for sale?

The Blockhouse…
Standing proud just before the Huguenot Tunnel that guards the entrance to Cape Town
The tunnel engineering feat ceases to amaze me.
Find out more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huguenot_Tunnel

My last picture.
I drove the last  265kms to Cape Town

In my case, a little less hair, weight and no facial hair
“Well done Daughter”…
“Well done Father”…
What a memorable trip

I flew back to Johannesburg on a fun flight
The cabin attendant, when talking about seat belts said:
” If you don’t know how it works,then you should not be allowed in public unattended”
That, together with a couple of other “additions” to the standard safety briefing,
made for an enjoyable flight.
It also detracted from the fact that we had to wait for several minutes for a late arrival.
Goodbye to the Atlantic Ocean…

Over mountains that the Voortrekkers might have climbed

My luggage was waiting for me.
The turn around time on the airline I used was spectacular

Planning my year ahead

Read all the postings from our trip:

“Travel & Things” was an entrant in this competition.
Not a winner, but one of 24 travel Blogs that entered
All images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission
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