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Tag: Madikwe

2024 in my rearview mirror.

      As the sun set on the latter part of 2024 my wife and I found ourselves in a game reserve in the North West. It...

Mosetlha Bush Camp & Eco Lodge, Madikwe. Where my guiding journey...

      The long and winding road, that leads to your door... The lyrics of this Beatles classic were playing in my head as we drove up...

A breakfast of champions for a trio of Pale Chanting Goshawks.

    This looks like a species that could have been featured in the Jurassic Park movies. The Helmeted Guineafowl can fly, but it is predominantly terrestrial...

Spa time at Tau Game Lodge. Madikwe

      Hydration before treatment is recommended. Nothing like a glass of chilled lemon and cucumber water to keep you hydrated before your treatment begins. Always...

Tau(lion) sightings while on Tau Game Lodge drives…

      "It isn’t much good having anything exciting if you can’t share it with somebody". Winnie the Pooh. This is NOT Winnie the Pooh. This is Silas the...

Tau Game Lodge. A seated safari experience

      Gorillas in the mist? Not quite. Here it was wildebeest and zebra in the dust. Our arrival at Tau Game Lodge was met with a...

Tau Game Lodge…It takes a pride to serve a king.

      Time for a return visit to one of our favourite Madikwe lodges, Tau Game Lodge, situated on the far Northern border of the reserve. As...

Water water everywhere. The Last Word Madikwe Bush House.

      Look, I am practicing to be a water feature. This young elephant seems to think that a career change was required. So, there it stood at...

Elephants: The Ultimate Matriarchy. Tau Game Lodge, Madikwe.

      With whispers of untamed hope, an African sunrise paints the sky in shades of gold, heralding a new day. A fresh canvas on which...

Waterhole sightings at The Last Word Madikwe Bush House

      On my way to the photographic hide, I stopped to watch this Southern Red-billed Hornbill as it enjoyed a breakfast snack. Hornbills seem to know...