Time to open the vault.

A misty morning across a valley near Nelspruit.




I have returned to my photographic vault for this post because as you peruse this, I am on a camel somewhere in the desert in Morocco…and there is NO connectivity where I am currently!

So, some of my favourite travel images to entertain YOU, dear reader, until I return…

Every small town in South Africa has a bar that has at least one of these. This particular one was in a bar/restaurant in Kaapsehoop.




The state of many buildings in rural South Africa. This particular wall is on the side of one of our National roads leading North.




A window to the?

Seen while overnighting in Hanover on my way to Cape Town.




Outside Hanover, overlooking the main road to Cape Town.




Outside a hotel that I stayed in while working for a major hotel chain in Zanzibar.




Certainly NOT No 10 Downing Street, but a colourful doorway in Italy.




A roadside stall on the way from Upington to Pofadder.




And early morning stroll through the streets of Zanzibar. Before either the locals or the tourists clog up the alleys.




My new beach house? Somehow, I don’t think that I will put in an offer.




A Zanzibar rooftop at night.




Can anyone help with THIS equation? Seen on a wall outside an artist’s studio in Venice, Italy.




When in Rome…photograph fountains.




You can ring my bell. From a street in Dubrovnik, Croatia.




Check out the archived and current interviews… click on the image above.




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and may not be used without permission.


All images used in Travel & Things posts are edited using Ribbet software. To learn more about the product and what it offers both amateur and professional photographers, click on the logo above.