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Tag: trails walks

A Sun Destinations road trip…

      Travel & Things will be on the road while researching forthcoming content for upcoming articles on the lodges mentioned in this post. No posts will...

Step out with Rhodes Bezuidenhout and Shangani Trails

  This bull elephant was enjoying the fruits of a Nyala berry tree while contemplating his next move. There is no experience like being in...

Put your best foot forward. An afternoon walk from Klaserie Sands...

Time to rock and roll? Time for an afternoon walk from Klaserie Sands Safari Trails   Trails walking rules dictate that everyone needs to be behind the...

Klaserie Sands Safari Trails. A new camp arises out of the...

Stretching as far as the eye can see. Hidden in this landscape is the recently completed Klaserie Sands Safari Trails. The Klaserie Private Nature...

Klaserie Sands Safari Trails. Tread lightly and live fully.

  Dawn creeps across the African sky, reminding me that it was time to get up and enjoy the day. Actually, it was the gentle...