Tag: lion cubs
A clash of Titans. Lions 1- Buffalo 0
This is one of the apex Dangerous Game species that we have here in South Africa.
Up to 900kg of solid muscle and capable of...
Lions, part of the circle of life. Sabi Sabi Game Reserve.
Do you ever have a craving for a certain snack and when you go looking for it, it is unavailable? You are salivating for...
Just lion around…Karongwe Portfolio.
Join me for a weekend that promises to be informative, educational and, more importantly, entertaining. There will be giveaways, there will be camp-fire tales...
An overdose of cuteness. On a game drive from Klaserie Sands...
It is very hard NOT to anthropomorphize an animal when it looks THIS cute. The final game drive of my stay at Klaserie Sands...