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Braemar AIR B & B. Howick, KZN

      The owner, Nikki, has rewilded her garden at Braemar. The plants, flowers and grass are left to look after themselves, but paths have been created...

Kululapa. A unique destination near Howick, KZN

      If eyes are the windows to the soul, then windows are the eyes to our world. And the windows at Kululapa offer a vista...

Kululapa, near Howick. Hidden in plain sight.

      Although it looks like a double storey house, Birdsong rose out of a wattle and daub cave that was converted into a 'proper' house...

Kululapa, near Howick, KZN. Off the beaten track.

      Concealed deep in a valley in KZN, Kululapa is surrounded by a forest of indigenous  trees and plants. And like the 1992 movie, a...

An aspirational destination. Thonga Beach Lodge

        On a previous visit to this Beach Lodge, we stayed in the Honeymoon Suite, this time we opted for a sea-facing room that was...

We dive back into the Dive Inn Guest House in Pongola.

        Once again Travel & Things is back at this stunning guest house in Pongola. I had found it by accident a year ago on...

Preview of the forthcoming Travel & Things KZN road trip.

        Aside from bags full of camera gear, I will be taking this with me to review for one of my clients. This is the...

Dive Inn Guest House. Pongola.

      Time for a last visit to the beach to say good morning to the sun as it makes an appearance over the Indian Ocean...and...

St. Lucia Wetlands Guest house. A hidden gem.

      I have arrived at properties where the sign has read "Beware of the dog" or perhaps even "Careful, children in the driveway". But THIS...

Thula Thula, a return visit.

      After an 8 hour drive from Johannesburg (we decided to do it in one go rather than overnight which is what we usually do...