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Tag: Greater Kruger National Park

The first trip of 2020. A visit to the Karongwe Portfolio...

The first trip that Travel & Things undertook in January 2020 was to three properties in the Karongwe Portfolio that are situated on the...

Some 2019 highlights.

It has been a busy year for Travel & Things! We got merch, we got a new platform (thanks to the team at JHnet)...

King of the Jungle? I find out while on a game...

When heading to a lion sighting and THIS steps into your path, you quickly realize that it might be a while before you get...

Things with wings. From a recent road trip to Greater Kruger...

  These images are from a recent bush trip that included the three properties mentioned at the end of this posting. Unlike animals that seem...

By night the Klaserie Sands River camp takes on a new...

  The end of another day in paradise. With the late afternoon sun carving a path towards the western horizon, our Field Guide made the...

Who let the dogs out?

  Lycaon pictus, the scientific name for the African Wild Dog, means "Painted Wolf". These extremely social animals, although not one of the Big 5...

An overdose of cuteness. On a game drive from Klaserie Sands...

  It is very hard NOT to anthropomorphize an animal when it looks THIS cute. The final game drive of my stay at Klaserie Sands...

A compilation of sightings during game drives from Mjejane River Lodge.

  Mthunzi Zwane was our guide for the game drives that we did while at Mjejane River Lodge. He was extremely knowledgeable and his drives...

Chillin’ at the Klaserie Sands River Camp waterhole.

  With apologies..."If you go down to the waterhole today, You're sure of a big surprise"  Songwriters: Jimmy Kennedy / John W. Bratton. Teddy Bear's...

Unyati Safari Lodge, a hidden gem.

  Once we turned off the N4 that had brought us from Johannesburg, the next 4.7km on Jeppe's Reef Road was filled with some of...