I visited all of the Bundox properties in 2024.
Some of the camps I visited are currently undergoing, or are about to undergo some major changes, hence these camps might not look the same in 2025, which is why I have chosen to focus on the game viewing that I experienced at the camps.
Knowing the owners of the properties as I do, I do not doubt that they will follow the adage that my primary school headmaster used to love quoting:
“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Till the good is better and the better best“.
When you have a bird expert on speed dial, rather than an app, then this quickly goes from an LBJ to being identified as a Yellow-throated bush sparrow (thanks to Doug Newman)
This mongoose crept up to take a closer look at me while I tried out a recently installed underground photographic hide at one of the camps.
If a tusk could talk, I wonder what tales it would tell?
Although there is a perfectly good waterhole just a few meters away, elephants are always searching for a freshwater source…and the pool at the camp provided just that.
While waiting their turn at the pool, the rest of the herd had fun in the waterhole.
One of the best leopard interactions in almost 60 years of bush holidays.
As with most leopard sightings, I was in the right place at the right time.
A pair of waterbuck make their way homeward?
After devouring most of an earlier giraffe kill, this male came to a waterhole to get a drink.
I am uncertain as to whether this nyala bull is staff or he was just contemplating the sign.
Splish splash…
A common Scimitarbill keeps an eye open for a meal.
Dozing in the early morning sun.
This cub was part of a large pride that had made a kill nearby and had come to the waterhole to drink and nap before heading off into the cool of a grove of trees nearby.
Morning has broken.
The promise of another glorious day in Africa.
Travel is the proud winner of this prestigious award from the digital British lifestyle magazine Luxlife. The award is in the category Best Travel & Experiences Blog 2024 – South Africa.
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“Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?”
Edgar Bergen
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