Francine’s Farm House and Venue, Hoedspruit. Part 2.

Whether you are looking for an intimate venue for your destination wedding, want to relax in comfortable accommodation, or wish to experience a farm stay on a citrus farm, Francine’s Farmhouse & Venue, near Hoedspruit, is perfectly positioned to provide exactly what you want. (from their official website)




This, according to Wikipedia is a Phalaenopsis amabilis. They are commonly known as the Moon or Moth orchid. They are widely cultivated as a decorative house plant. Or in this instance hanging in a tree with two other species.

These pristine blossoms welcomed me as I walked from my parked car to the reception area to do the paperwork before going to my accommodation.

I have to admit that after dodging potholes on the road from Lydenberg to Origstad and then onwards to Hoedspruit, seeing these flowers calmed me down and allowed me to take a moment to just breathe.

BTW, if you want to see Francine’s Farm House and Venue Part 1, then use this link:




The bar and dining room.

The juxtaposition of the styles in the bar/ dining room might look eclectic, but they work as a cohesive whole. The Zebra hide on the floor adds an African touch.

The seats are reminiscent of those that could be found in drugstores in the USA in the late 50s and early 60s. I have never seen anything like them before.




Did you know that in a traditional bacon and egg breakfast, the pig is committed while the chicken is just involved?

I like to believe that the tomato and the sausage are just along for the ride.

The origins of the Full English breakfast date back to the 14th or 15th century. Sometimes referred to as a ‘fry-up‘,

Originally, a full English breakfast consisted of fried eggs, sausages, back bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, fried bread and often a slice of white or black pudding, similar to bloodwurst sausage.

BTW, predictive text kept trying to change ‘bloodwurst’ to ‘bloodlust’.

Baked beans were included in 1927 to increase bean sales and alternative egg options, scrambled and poached, have subsequently been added.

HP and Worcestershire sauces are a necessary accompaniment.




I admit I am proud of this image…

“Why”? I hear you ask.

Because I not only took the photo but was pouring the coffee at the same time.

This man CAN multi-task if required to do so.




I had arranged the chairs on the verandah outside my room to take advantage of the view.

It would have been sacrilege to sit with my back to THIS view while poring over my laptop keyboard.

Being the considerate guest that I am, I did put the chairs back as I had found them when I  arrived.




Growing up, how many of us had a swing set like this? Usually, it was kept until the metal rusted and the wood rotted. Not many of our parents thought to maintain them. The threat of an anti-tet shot loomed large, so using it was done very carefully.

FYI: There is plenty of historical evidence to show that outdoor swing sets have been around for a long time. Historians have found artefacts that contend that swing sets date back as far as 1450 BC in Ancient Greece.




The earliest known example of the rocking horse was half-moon shaped with boarded sides and log body between the two rockers and a very naive head. It is believed that it may have derived from a cradle, given that the rocking mechanisms are similar.

The earliest one to still exist is said to have belonged to King Charles I and dates from C1610.

The patented spring-suspended Wonder Horse was invented by William Baltz, a farmer from Pocahontas, Arkansas, who got the idea from giving his children rides on his leg “horsey style.”




Harmless, but a great find to share with children and adults alike.

Archispirostreptus gigas, known as the giant African millipede or shongololo, is the largest species of millipede, growing up to 33.5 centimetres in length, and 67 millimetres in circumference.

The indigenous people of southern Africa call the millipede ‘shongololo’, which is derived from the Xhosa and Zulu word ‘ukushonga’, meaning to roll up… The name “millipede” is derived from Latin, meaning “thousand feet”.




The reception area in the subdued electric light. Aside from filling out the ubiquitous check-in forms on my arrival, I spent very little time here as there was no need to.




A view from the reception area through the dining room, bar and back to the kitchen.




The ambience of the entire building changes as the night closes in and the lights come on.

Did I enjoy my stay? I certainly did. Would I recommend it as a place to relax and unwind? I surely would.

Many thanks to my hosts and the staff that I interacted with who made my stay the memorable one that it was.

You enabled me to come away with great memories.

FYI: One day I will find out who Francine is/was!




To discover more about the venue and what it offers, click on the image above.




Check out the archived and current interviews… click on the image above.






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