The final pile before Christmas!
At this time of the year, I like to take a look back at some of the books that I have had cross my desk and some of the authors I have been able to chat with on my YouTube channel. “In conversation with”…
These chats(and review copies would not be possible without the assistance of the publishers. Struik Nature (, Jacana,( HPH Publishing ( , Tracey McDonald Publishers,( Human & Rousseau (, Peter Neuville for Rae Safaris.( and Pan Macmillan (
A big THANK YOU to Janine Daniel,( publicist extraordinaire who keeps my bookshelves stocked. It also helps that we only live a few houses from each other and review copies are often exchanged on the pavement between our properties (BTW, if you are looking to hold a book launch or just going to chill, visit Janine’s coffee shop, Spilt Milk in Melville…you will thank me later.)
Making it easier for you, the reader, to access the YouTube author interview videos, I have included them in this post.
Give a book to a friend, a loved one or simply buy one for yourself. Print media still has a place in 2022/3 and beyond.
If you want to see what other authors I have chatted with on ‘In conversation with’… use this link:
I am hoping that one or more of these titles will find their way onto your bookshelves at home.
These were the ones that got away. Although I had received these before Christmas, I have not been able to interview the authors, yet. I hope that I will be able to chat with them in the early part of 2023.