Behind the scenes at Safari Guide of the Year 2022

“There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.” Ansel Adams




If a picture is worth 1000 words, then this is the wordiest SGOTY post I have constructed…some of the behind-the-scenes antics from Safari Guide of the Year 2022.

Hosted at the Southern African Wildlife College by Bushwise, dressed by Ruggedwear and organised by FGASA.




Bushwise was the host of the event. And this was Eugene, the day before Safari Guide of the Year 2022 began and he was smiling.

The smile remained for the duration of the event, although it did get somewhat strained occasionally.




Michelle, MD of FGASA, who steered the SGOTY 2022 ship to new heights.




How cold was it? Rebecca from Wild Earth shows us by wearing polar clothing for the first few days…




Mark. publisher and editor of the K2C newspaper certainly knows how to keep the outside warm, by keeping the inside warm…

Or it could just be a cold drink?




Morgan from Wild Earth and Kyle from Armadillo Media, brothers in arms.

Or should that be video buddies?

I wonder what the collective noun for videographers is?




Werner is the owner of Sapmok Shoes, a returning sponsor.

For those wondering about the company name, it is Kompas backwards in Afrikaans.




‘Tis better to be pissed off than pissed on?

Ashwell, from Southern African Wildlife College, had seen something that he did not approve of…




Bernice from FGASA, hiding from the cold. Not even the early morning sunlight could warm her sufficiently.




Francois, layered up against the early morning ‘chill’ was one of the Bushwise trainers on hand to make certain that all went according to plan.




Steve from Wild Earth was the MC for the live awards ceremony.




My roommate and owner of The Trail Food Company, Chris.




Roger from Canon was on hand with camera gear that was worth more than the average car.

“Cost of ownership” was his favourite retort when prices were discussed.

Modern cameras are like owning a Harley Davidson. The actual bike is relatively inexpensive, but it is the ancillary accessories that rack up the cost. And it is similar to the new Canon bodies and lenses.

All of us came away with severe lens envy…




Mark, owner of FreeGo was one of the new sponsors.




All the way from the USA, my safari buddy, Ashley…I think.

I could be someone else hiding under those layers.




Not quite a hatchet job…

Many thanks for the food Hazel, Hospitality Manager at the Southern African Wildlife College.




With thanks to all the sponsors, without whom, Safari Guide of the Year 2022 would not be the success that it was!






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