Africa on Foot. Keeping it simple.

Africa on Foot offers big five Kruger Walking Safaris and game drives in the Klaserie Private Nature Reserve which shares unfenced borders with the Kruger National Park.





My wife and I were concerned that this bungalow, which was to be accommodation for the duration of our stay would be too small, given the outside proportions.

However, it was an optical illusion s we were to discover once we opened the door.

We could not have been more wrong if we tried.




This is what awaited us when we stepped through the door. A huge and very comfortable bed that beckoned us almost immediately. But we resisted the urge to have a nap and decided instead to wander around the camp to see what was in store for us.




A desk! An important item of furniture for me as it became my office for the duration of our stay here. I cannot begin to count the number of lodges that I have visited where I either have to work hunched over or in a public space for lack of a table that is the correct height and a chair to match.

This might not be important for other guests, although an extra ‘surface’ when on holiday is never wasted. It always amazes me how quickly luggage can spread through accommodation. It never seems to happen at home, but on holiday…a different story.




The accommodation has two types of bathroom facilities…indoor and outdoor. In both, the toilet is indoors, so you don’t have to brave the chilly Lowveld nights should you need to go.

An outdoor shower when on a bush break is a must as far as I am concerned, and even though the nights were a tad chilly when we were in camp, it did not stop with of us from using the shower before going to bed.

BTW, don’t be surprised if you find a frog balanced on the frame of the mirror. We did and it added to our experience.




The camp, seen from our front door. The use of water-wise plants is a tribute to the landscaper who has made to campsite green.

The building on the right houses the office and a small but well-stocked curio shop. On the left, hidden behind the succulents, is the main building that comprises a dining room, lounge and bar.




And this is the lounge area. We spent time there before meals and waiting to go out on game drives. A very comfortable area and one built in such a way that you can have a private conversation or you can be a part of a group.

This was also the meeting point for those who wanted to experience Africa on foot, with an early morning walk.

Africa on Foot lives up to its name by offering guests morning walks in a Big 5 reserve, under the guidance of experts who know the area and can keep the guests safe and informed while experiencing the bush from a different perspective (but more about that in another post.)




A private area within a public space.




The pool is at the rear of the property and although they did not visit, I could hear elephants browsing not too far away.




Out on an evening game drive. One of the sundowner stops is at an elevated platform that offers wonderful views of the setting sun.

On this particular drive, we had no sooner set up the drinks and snacks than we got a call that there was a pride of lions with cubs reasonably close by.

As the light was fading fast, we chose to forego the snacks and clutching our drinks, climbed back into the vehicle to see if we could arrive at the sighting before the light had totally gone.




And we made it just in time. These cubs were playing on the road with one of the adult females watching in the background.

The red light was caused by one of the guides choosing to use a red filter, even though it was not necessary.

No sooner had we arrived than the cubs and the females decided to move off into the long grass, but we were able to spend time with them.




As is often the case, I tend to end off a post with a sunset, and this one is no different.

Good night from the African bush.




To find out more about what Africa on Foot offers, click on the logo above.




To find out about all the lodges that this corporation offers, click on the above logo.







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