Pentax 15-30mm f/2.8 lens. A review.



Before I go any further, I have to state that I have been loyal to

the Pentax brand since 1974!

I am therefore not making any comparisons between brands in this ‘review’

This is a subjective and experiential posting about

 my recent use of this lens during a trip to KZN..

I have used the K1ii for some time and

 the 40meg images are crisp and sharp.

The focus (pun intended) of the review is the lens…

In all the images, the camera and lens combination remained the same.

The settings vary from image to image.

1/2000s, IS0 100, f/2.8. Tv setting

Lens at 30mm.

Looking towards Spionkop from a vantage point at Mount Alice.

In the right-hand side of the image is the Tugela River

And on the right is the Spionkop Dam.

1/100s, ISO200, f/2.8. Tv setting

Lens set at 30mm

Sunrise on a bitterly cold KZN morning.

The Aloe and the trees in the foreground were sharp and in focus.

The tiny white dot is actually the moon!

Long exposure of the night sky in KZN.

14,5 minutes, ISO 100, f/8, Bulb setting

Lens at 18mm

This type of photography has always been ‘hit-and-miss’ for me.

But with the camera on a tripod and the lens almost fully opened

I was able to achieve consistent results like this image.

The camera was triggered by remote control,

so as to avoid camera shake.

The trees were lit by the existing security lighting at Spionkop lodge.

1/4000s, ISO 100, f/2.8. Tv setting

Lens set at 30mm

Sunset from the deck at Spionkop Lodge.

Being Aloe season currently, they tended to feature in many of my shots.

1/50s, ISO 800, f/2.8. Tv setting

Lens set at 15mm

I could have made this image lighter,

but I was looking to capture the look and feel of the pub at Spionkop Lodge.

This lens weighs in at slightly more than 1kg.

This is the first time that I have used an f/2.8 lens on a DSLR.

Back in 1974, my Spotmatic F had an f/2, 55mm lens as the standard.

This is a solidly constructed lens that focusses quickly and quietly.

Although heavier than most, it felt balanced in my hand

and carrying it for extended periods was not an issue.

1/1600s, ISO 400, f/2.8. Tv setting

Lens set at 25mm

Even close up, the detail is pin-sharp.

1/400s, ISO 400, f/2.8. Tv setting

Lens set at 15mm.

As part of my job, I do a lot of accommodation interiors.

The 15-30mm is the ideal lens for that.

This lens is designed to be used in conjunction

with a full-frame camera like the K1 range.

I, therefore, did not have the vignetting issues that

 I previously had with my non-compatible 10-20mm lens.

The edges of the image are not distorted and therefore cropping can be kept to a minimum.

1/1600s, ISO 100, f/2.8. Tv setting

Lens set at 15mm

To truly show what the combination can do.

Sharp and clear from corner to corner.

Howick Falls, KZN.

This is a camera body that begs to be taken seriously!

Most DSLR bodies weight around 769gm,

this beast is just more than 1kg, giving it a very solid feel.

Long exposure.

2 minutes, ISO 100, f/8. Bulb setting

Lens set at 15mm.

This was shot in the early morning and at a shorter time than the star trails

in order to get the stars to stay stationary.

Overall this combination exceeded my expectations as far as

 a wide-angle lens on a full-frame body is concerned.

In my next review, I will be trying the lens on a K3ii as a comparison.


For more information on this brand,

go to the New Teltron website:



or visit any of these fine photographic stores

around South Africa.

All images are the copyright property of


and may not be used without permission