Although 2018 started off like most other years,
for me it ended up very unexpectedly.
After a relatively simple wisdom tooth extraction,
the anesthetist noticed that my heart rhythm was out of kilter.
An unscheduled visit to my physician followed
and an ECG confirmed what the anesthetist had suspected.
Go to ICU, do not pass go and do not collect R200.00…
Overnight in ICU, which was unsettling as it was a first for me.
This was followed by 4 weeks of medication and then
 a cardioversion procedure where my heart is shocked
back into the correct cadence.
It sounds a lot scarier than it was and as I was under sedation,
I remember nothing of the procedure.
But was you can see from the “before” and “after” ECG readings,
all is back to normal.
A check-up in January will hopefully confirm that all
is still good and and I can face 2019 with confidence.
As a result of having to face my own mortality,
I started keeping an eye open for motivational sayings that resonated with me.
And this posting, different from my usual travel ones,
contains the best of what I discovered via Facebook.
I specifically did not use Google as I knew
that I would be overwhelmed.
If any resonate with you, please feel free to copy and share.
After my recent health scare, this too resonated.
Consider changing YOUR outlook as we head into 2019.
If you think that you DON’T have a reason for Being”,
think again!
This is the quotation that not only resonated,
but it makes me cry each time I read it.
It is SO true and we let time slip away until it is too late
to make the call or go and visit.
From L to R:
Me, Warren, Pierre, John and Chris
Me, Warren, Pierre, John and Chris
We meet at a local coffee shop almost every morning
to connect and more importantly, as we are all self-employed,
we make this our water-cooler time.
It is this band of brothers that keeps me sane.
When days are dark and friends are few,
we can at least count on each other.
We play the Target Word that is in the morning newspaper,
we chat about the world and how we might solve all those problems.
It is our therapy and our safe space.
And we would have it no other way.
My hope is that some of these quotations
 might resonate with YOU.
 might resonate with YOU.
For all those that are experiencing this emotion currently.
For my Dad.
Gone 14 years but with me every day.
The smallest gesture, often spontaneous,
might be the difference that saves someones day.
Or perhaps even their life.
Doing random acts of kindness brings its own rewards.
Try one and you will see what I mean.
Be one of those…
And even though you might not realize it,
you are never alone.
We all have these moments…
I end this posting with this quote from one of my favourite comedians.
Robin Williams, thank you for all the laughs and the tears.
You were part of the tapestry of my life
and your tragic death left me bereft.
Watching videos of interviews that you did
only reinforces the powerhouse comic genius that you were.