Kaapsehoop…out of the mist. Mpumalanga Province.


This is my fourth visit to the tiny village of Kaapsehoop.
(It was originally known as the Devil’s Office back in the day.)
I went there specifically for the mist and the wild horses.
I was lucky enough to encounter both,
but not on the same day.

Two girls in the mist with an umbrella and a VW.
The boots and the pajamas might have been required due to the mist,
but the umbrella not so much.

On a clear day this old engine basks in the sunlight.
Shrouded as it was by the mist, it seemed to take on a different persona.

There are several of these concrete benches scattered throughout the village.
There are brass plaques on them, but they are difficult to read
due to the fact that they have weathered very badly.
The mist veiling the background almost as if this was in a studio.

On a clear day you can (almost) see forever.
Looking down on the the main part of the village…
The mist had lifted and I had decided to do part of
one of the many walking trails that the public have access to.

Dawn…my favourite time of day.
Red sky at night is a shepherds delight…
red sky at morning is a shepherds warning.
Actually, this was debunked as the day
turned out to be clear and warm.

On previous visits I had only encountered Vervet Monkeys,
now it seems that a troop of Baboons has moved in as well.
The rocks that this male is seated on in just part of the fields
of quartzite that was one of the reasons that the area was mined in the 1880’s.
Unfortunately the “gold rush” did not last long and the miners moved on
to other more profitable areas.

Looking more like the set of a “horror” movie than a guest house.
The building style in the village is varied and eclectic.

From a corner of the dining room at Silver Mist Country Inn.

What better way to keep the cold at bay.
A HUGE fire in a brazier.

Sometime I am reminded that there are images all around me.
This grass, caught in the early morning light, is one of those.

I discovered this headless fairy amongst a treasure trove
 of items on a table outside a house.
I could not find anyone who could tell me the story of this collection.
YOU can make up your own tale to fit this…

This is just one of the wild horses that roam freely in the village.
I have to say that it is my favourite…
Not because of its temperament, but because of its colouring.
I am extremely nervous around horses as I lost
 a friend in a riding incident several years ago.

Taking the high ground…
A commanding pose at the top of a flight of stairs in the main road.

I wonder if I could put in an offer on this “home”.
I see that it is eco-friendly as it has a green roof…

Steam punk light fittings, sweets and art works.
Just some of the decor that can be found at the Bohemian Groove Cafe.
On a Sunday afternoon they have live music…
We had breakfast there and were pleasantly surprised by the food…
and the service!

There is beauty in the smallest details.
Early morning dew caught up in a spider web.

Almost invisible in the mist.
This lone windmill turns endlessly.
For me these epitomize South Africa.
As the sun sets over the tree plantation,
it is time to head back to the Silver Mist Country Inn for dinner…
Hidden in the mist…
The main building of the Silver Mist Country Inn.
To find out more about this warm and welcoming destination,
where my wife and I spent the recent long weekend,
visit their website:
My camera brand of choice for more than 4 decades!
When it is time to print out my special images,
this is the company that I rely on to do that.
I have worn these shoes in the jungles of India
and on the beaches of Croatia.
Not to mention, many game reserves in Africa.
They are probably the most comfortable pair of shoes
that I have ever owned.
When I get home. I rely on this ISP
to provide me with high speed fibre connectivity 
to enable me to get my postings published in record time.
This powerbank is my constant companion
 while I am travelling.
It can do up to 4 full re-charges of my phone before
needing to be charged.
Supplied by…
When offered an option…
ALWAYS be Batman.
For a short period he was behind bars
 in the old prison in Kaapsehoop.
To find out more about the collectible Funko range of figurines,
My new addition, this awesome laptop bag from Solo.
Padded for protection and with enough pockets to keep
almost everything INCLUDING the kitchen sink in,
this is definitely an stylish addition to any business presentation.
Be it in the boardroom or the bush.
This bag can also be worn as a backpack. 
There are straps in a hidden compartment that can be deployed
when you need both hands for other purposes.
To find out more about the stylish Solo range,
A new “tool” in my camera bag.
This locally made product was indispensable when using a long lens.
The ball and socket might look simple…and it is, 
which is why it should be in the gear bag of every serious photographer.
This locally made, deceptively simple device is ideal 
for tracking birds in flight or animals in motion.
The base can be used on a beanbag or a tripod,
with the ball being fitted to the camera.
The simplicity of the device allows to to move from supported
to hand held in a fluid motion.
There is also a version that can be used on a car window.
To see more about the product, 
visit their Facebook page:
Or order directly from:

All images are the copyright property of
and may not be used without permission
Follow me on Twitter: @davidbatzofin