Indian Wild life. A game drive from Turia Gate, Pench National Park, India.

My wife,Carolyn, and I during our last game drive.
The legs in the back belong to our park guide.
For the first 6 drives we had used the Khursapar Gate entrance
as that is where all the tiger action seemed to be.
This final drive entered via Turia Gate.
Rhesus Macaques Monkey.
We only found one troop of this Old World monkey species during the drive.
These guys were not content to pose for my camera,
and I only got one picture before they vanished into the nearby thicket.
 The Langur Monkey belong to what is known as “Old World monkeys”.
Our South African Vervet Monkey also falls into this category.
This group of primates is more closely related to Homo Sapiens than other species.
A rare sighting I am told…
A Chowsingha or Four Horned Deer


Another rare sighting…
A Dhole, or Indian Wild Dog.


Believe it or not,
there are leopards in India.
This one was not being very co-operative when it came
 to making herself available for a proper close up.


No Asterix or Obelix,
but we did spot this Wild Boar.
When I saw these for the fist time,
I thought that I was in the New Forest in England.
Turns out I was wrong…
This Chital or Spotted Deer was in the middle of Pench National Park


A Black Kite.
They abound in both the wild and in urban environments.
We discovered many of them during our stay in Mumbai


An Indian Roller.
Very similar to the Rollers we get in South Africa


A Rufous Treepie, commonly known as a Tiger Bird,
because of its orange colour.
It is a member of the Crow family


Not the best image,
but this Nilgai or Blue Bull would not move out of the shade.
This is the largest of the Asian antelope species.


A Sambar Deer.
They are becoming endangered due to hunting and loss of habitat.


A Grey Hornbill.
Similar to the Hornbills that we have in South Africa.
Not the Zazu that was in the Lion King.


Despite all the wild life in this park,
the animal that EVERYONE  wants to see…
We did not find any on this final drive
as the one that had been spotted earlier was being elusive.
But we had spent time with Baras on all our previous drives,
so I felt that it was fitting to include her.
Time to head back to our hotel.
A spectacular sunset to bid us farewell.
We were leaving early in the morning to return to Nagpur
and our flight to our final destination, Goa.

Our naturalist/ guide for the duration of our stay
 at Tuli Tiger Corridor, Omveer Choudhary.
In the background, our driver  Raja.
This is where we stayed during our stay.
They also offer a tented accommodation option.
To find out more, visit their website:
Our trip itinerary was superbly handled by this travel company.
And specifically by Mr Aman, their Senior Travel Advisor
I would highly recommend that you contact them,
should you be considering a trip to India.
For more information on what they offer,
visit their website:
All images are the copyright property of
and may not be used without permission
Follow me on Twitter: @davidbatzofin