People we met along the way. Croatian coach tour

From the main cathedral in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia.
The fellow on the cross on the right hand side fascinated me.
It was blisteringly hot outside, so the cool that the interior offered was most welcome.
Look who we bumped into in Dubrovnik.
He did not have a lot to say, but he did stand still for selfies.


My wife loved interacting with the locals.
She had a chat with this fellow in Zadar.
Not very talkative…


And this laid-back  chap in Zagreb was not too communicative either


Sharing a water fountain in Budapest.
Nither realized that the other was there…


My wife has a great eye when it comes to original jewellery.
This is a family run business in Split where she bought earrings.


We still want to be travelling when we are this old…
An evening stroll in Budapest


Time to head to work…from a street corner in Budapest.
There are LOTS of cyclists and you dare not step into a cycle lane…


An Israeli tourist in the synagogue in Budapest.
I thought it was Keith Richards…

Crocs are still a fashion item…


American Rock ‘n Roll in a street in Zagreb


Shouting at the locals who were ignoring her.
This elderly woman was wandering around the streets of Montenegro


Either it is a HUGE bench…
or very tiny people.
Outside the walls of Kotor.


They seem to start young.
This tiny street musician had a couple of songs in her repertoire…
the one that she played the most was “Twinkle twinkle little star”.
We were having a coffee close by and must have heard the song a dozen times.


A street musician in Split.
This fellow was out early, trying to earn a living from the passing traffic.


From the fish market near out hotel in Split.


Seeing that I was usually out by 05h00,
these were often the only locals I shared the streets with.
Tidy up in Split


Just after I took this picture, this fellow fell off the bench.
I would like to believe that his fall had nothing to do with me taking the picture.
From a park in Split


From the Jewish Ghetto in Venice.
We had a long chat to this fellow before buying some art works from him.


On the road again…
Leaving Kotor.


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