Ivory Tree Game Lodge, the game drives. Pilanesberg Game Reserve, North West Province.

I was in Pilanesberg Game Reserve on International Rhino Day…
And what better way to celebrate than with an early morning sighting
of this Black Rhino female and her offspring!

Not a hint of rain…yet.
Hopefully some will be on the way soon as the veld is very dry.


Just a happy little elephant.
Fortunately Mom was just out of frame to the right.
Close enough to step in if there was a problem.
I have to say that I was hoping this calf would be more inquisitive,
but is decided that food was more important than making new “friends”.
The giraffe in Pilanesberg seem to be a lighter colour that those in Kruger.
Perhaps it is genetics?
Fading light and lots of dust…Cape Buffalo.
For me the animal that should be at Number 1 on the Big 5 list.


I was once told by a ranger that Buffalo always look at you as if you owe them money.
These two are still waiting for my cheque…


Grey Hornbills…not an every day sighting.
The Yellow Billed Hornbill…seen around almost every corner.


A face that only a mother could love?
But in the right light, this warthog has features that makes it look hansom.
It looks as if this hog is walking on tip toes.
Time to head off home after a tough day at the “office”.
It is really not easy posing for pictures all day,
when all you really want to do is put your feet up and watch
a Nat Geo Wild documentary.

Giraffe seem to be one of the favourites of many of the visitors to game parks.
Interestingly, it is the only mammal that has two collective nouns:
1] When they walk in a group they are referred to as a “JOURNEY”.
2] If they are standing still, the noun is a “TOWER”.
They are also the only animal that has two totally different gaits,
one for walking and one for galloping.

I have never seen so many Steenbok in a game reserve.
And they are less skittish than others I have encountered.

At sunset we found this leopard lying on some rocks.
We arrived just in time, as a few minutes later it vanished behind some boulders.
The last time I saw leopards on this particular trip.

Lost at a Zebra crossing?
It certainly looks like the lead animal is checking the marker board.


A Flappet Lark that caught my attention while at a lion sighting.


This is the sighting that I was focussed on.
The pride numbered about 7-8 individuals…including a couple of cubs.
A great morning for the pride…not so much for the Wildebeest.
This young baboon is about to land on this unsuspecting adult.

The end of our game drive…
A flat tire and no spare.
And, as luck would have it, in an area where there was neither cell or radio reception.
We spend 90 minutes here waiting to be “rescued” by another ranger with a spare.

These two young lions decided to form a roadblock.
Luckily they did not stick around here for too long.
To find out more about the Lodge,
visit their website:
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