Two male Crested Francolin of square up for a territory fight.
There are more than 372 bird species on the reserve,
making a visit here a birders delight.
The gardens of Mziki Safari Lodge teem with bird life.
Especially Red-billed Hornbill, which seem to have the run of the property.
A Glossy Starling and a Cape Turtle Dove
Sharing a perch. In general bird species seem to tolerate each other.
A juvenile Woodland Kingfisher.
Not all Kingfishers are found near water…or are fish eaters!
Egyptian Geese.
Coming in to land.
White breasted Cormorant in flight…
A pair of African Darters and a White Breasted Cormorant,
sharing the dying rays of the afternoon winter sunlight.
The evening roost.
A variety of water birds are silhouetted against the setting sun.
These had been disturbed from the roost
and they completed a circular flight pattern that led them back to the safety of the trees.
Also on the island, this pair of Goliath Herons
Not really a “bird”, but it has wings
This Magpie Shrike gives the appearance of not having quite woken up yet.
Fluffed up feathers to keep it warm in the early morning.
Grey Go-Away bird…previously known as the Lourie
If I was this species, I would be VERY upset with my new name.
“Go-Away” indeed!
A Crested Barbet,
one of my bush-veld favourites and a regular visitor to our suburban garden
A Cape Turtle Dove is one of the most under rated species,
yet its call is the most easily recognizable of all the bird species
Monotonous Lark, so names because of its call.
Pale Chanting Goshawk trying to land graciously…
And failing dismally.
Female Ostriches.
These birds are considered “dangerous game” if you come upon them while on foot.
They have been known to kill and or maim humans with their deadly kicking capabilities.
Great Sparrow.
Bright eyed and fluffed up…
A sunset on the Hex River, bring our cruise
and our evening birding excursion to a close.
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay here and recommend it as
“quick fix” for those who have a hankering to get into the bush
but don’t have the time (or the inclination) to drive for several hours.
The Lodge offers discounts for senior citizens, a first as far as I am aware.
To find out more about Mziki Safari Lodge, visit their website:
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