Cool Ideas, the company and the people.


The offices of Cool Ideas,
centrally situated in Parktown.
Not that potential customers need to visit the premises.
Everything can be done on-line…
after which the technicians will come and complete the installation.
But, if you need to be here, then you will find
that the company believe in total transparency.
Even the MD sits in an open plan cubicle!

This all you need to get connected…
It is as simple as that.
The box at the back is supplied by the company
that did the street cable installation.
They will run a cable from the box mounted
on your boundary wall to your residence.
This box in the picture is then placed inside the home.
The router is supplied by Cool Ideas.
You can use it to link via Wi-Fi
or via a cable.
The latter will give you a faster line speed.

Want to say goodbye to your fixed line service provider?
Then avail yourself of this Voip option.
You can link these handsets should you wish to have extensions
in several rooms in your house.

Looking sort of “old-school”.
This is a Voip desktop unit that offers a variety of facilities.
Tayla van Dyk…technician:
Destined for greatness
This is what she had to say.

Gumani Muchuene…technician.
A young man with big dreams,
take a listen to what he had to say:

Lee-Roy Joyce…
Fibre-to-the-home Manager.
Mention Cool Ideas to existing customers and
they will rave about Lee-Roy.
The “go to” man at the company.
This is what he had to say:

Rob Roux…
Support Manager and the most recent addition to the team.
One of the more important positions in the company.
When I did the interview, Rob had only been with
the company for a short period of time.
This is how he saw his role:

 Cool Ideals is my service provider of choice.
They enable me to ensure that my articles
and images are sent fast and effortlessly.
Not to mention all the other benefits that FTTH offers…
Like stability and affordability!


Europcar, the official car rental supplier
to “Travel & Things”
Travel & Things is sponsored by:
Extreme Bike Stealth.
The new way to travel in the city.
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