False Bay,Cape Town. Western Cape


Almost time to head back home…
this was the flight prior to ours, also Johannesburg bound!
Final images from our recent trip to Cape Town.
Our penultimate day in Cape Town…
We drove to visit friends in Somerset West,
but instead of using the N2, we went via False Bay.
Accessed from Muizenberg.
The wind along this section of the coast
whipped the waves into a sandy frenzy,
leaving the sea the colour of the beach,
rather than the azure blue that we had experienced in Zanzibar

The beach was littered with Blue Bottles.
This stinging organism can leave a painful rash that can last for days.
Keeping a eye open while walking on the beach is recommended
as the stinging tail is effective both in the water and on the shore.

A view across the Bay…

My wife tells me that this is her “happy place”.
In a way, I can understand how this stark vista can be “home”…

A sea shell with some foam.
Not a Heston Blumenthal dish, but the real deal

The Gulls seemed to congregate on the waste land opposite the beach.
Perhaps there was a landfill behind the dunes?

Up close and personal with some of the foam blown in by the wind.
But keeping an eye open for the Blue Bottles at the same time.
I was stung as a child, and I really did not want to repeat the experience.

This is not an area that the public frequent for long periods of time.
Aside from a trio of fishermen and these souls, there was no one else.

This is Faiz, who did all the paperwork at Cape Town airport.
In my dealings with this company to date
 I have only met with friendly and efficient staff
who have a passion for their customers.
Based on my experiences over the past few months
and in three different cities, I highly recommend them
Europcar, the official car rental supplier
to “Travel & Things”
Images on this trip were shot on
a Canon SX60HS.
Travel & Things is written on a

Our new UV protection hats from emthunzini hats.
All images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission
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