Dinner on the beach at Ambre Hotel, Mauritius.

Dinner on the beach at Ambre Hotel, Mauritius.

Our restaurant of choice for the evening.
At Ambre, guests are spoiled for choice when it comes to where to eat…
Breakfast, lunch or dinner!
La Plage at night.
This is how ALL island meals should be enjoyed
The couple on the right were celebrating SOMETHING.
What, we never found out

The view from our table

Onion soup for me.
With the LARGEST croutons I have ever enjoyed

A Mauritian starter…the main component being calamari

We have really enjoyed the trip so far…
And we are getting good at this “selfie” thing

Carolyn’s choice…
Swordfish which was “melt-in-the-mouth-good”

My mains…
Lamb shoulder with vegetables

We both chose the same dessert.
It was billed as a apple crumble with coconut ice cream,
but it was not what we expected.
Delicious, nevertheless

This couple had requested musicians…
we were able to enjoy them as well.
They did an “island” version of “Stand by me” that was superb

After dinner we relaxed on the bean bags before making our way back to our room.
It had been a wonderful evening and we were not quite ready for it to end.

I was up early to catch our first sunrise of the trip.

Perhaps this fellow is going out to catch our dinner for this evening?



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“Travel & Things” was an entrant in this competition.         

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