Game viewing from Hamiltons Tented Camp


Driving from Skukuza Airport to Hamiltons Tented Camp,
we came across this White Rhino.
Too lazy to lift his(?) head, he was snorting small dust clouds.
I am blessed to see Rhino on almost every bush visit.
“I know that I had one when I last looked”?
This inquisitive Vervet monkey seemed to be more interested in his private parts,
than in our game drive vehicle

Not so much of a Zebra crossing, but more like a Zebra glaring.
If they could glare

More White Rhino…
so happy…me, not the rhino

A Steenbok, not a regular sighting.
This little female was relaxed and stood watching us for several minutes

A Blue Widebeest, or Brindled Gnu…
Unfortunately, it is one of the Ugly 5

Male bonding?
Two Impala rams greet each other

“I can see a Leopard”!

And eventually so did we!
Is this a Yoga pose?

August 12 is International Elephant Day…
I got in early

A female Kudu,
With tow Yellow-billed Oxpeckers.
An unusual pairing

Not my best image,
but probably the best sighting of my trip.
A stunning Sable antelope.

This was as close as we got to Buffalo

Up close and personal with the resident Hippo at the camp


Another of the Ugly 5…
A warthog bumbling about…

And if there was a Cute 5,
then this Banded Mongoose would be one.

There are several Bushbuck that live close to the camp

Evening sunlight on a young male Kudu.

“Are you looking at me”?
A young male Waterbuck trying to do “gangsta”…
And only succeeding in doing “cute”.

All images were taken on game drives from Hamiltons Tented Camp.
To find out more, visit:

“Travel & Things” was an entrant in this competition.

All images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission

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