Driving from Skukuza Airport to Hamiltons Tented Camp,
we came across this White Rhino.
Too lazy to lift his(?) head, he was snorting small dust clouds.
I am blessed to see Rhino on almost every bush visit.
“I know that I had one when I last looked”?
This inquisitive Vervet monkey seemed to be more interested in his private parts,
than in our game drive vehicle
Not so much of a Zebra crossing, but more like a Zebra glaring.
If they could glare
More White Rhino…
so happy…me, not the rhino
A Steenbok, not a regular sighting.
This little female was relaxed and stood watching us for several minutes
A Blue Widebeest, or Brindled Gnu…
Unfortunately, it is one of the Ugly 5
Male bonding?
Two Impala rams greet each other
“I can see a Leopard”!
And eventually so did we!
Is this a Yoga pose?
August 12 is International Elephant Day…
I got in early
A female Kudu,
With tow Yellow-billed Oxpeckers.
An unusual pairing
Not my best image,
but probably the best sighting of my trip.
A stunning Sable antelope.
This was as close as we got to Buffalo
Up close and personal with the resident Hippo at the camp
Another of the Ugly 5…
A warthog bumbling about…
And if there was a Cute 5,
then this Banded Mongoose would be one.
There are several Bushbuck that live close to the camp
Evening sunlight on a young male Kudu.
“Are you looking at me”?
A young male Waterbuck trying to do “gangsta”…
And only succeeding in doing “cute”.
All images were taken on game drives from Hamiltons Tented Camp.
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