Time to head out to sea…Day 1 of our cruise on board Celebrity Reflection


Proudly flying the flag…
One (police) man and his dog…

The tug did not have to do much.

One of these tiny fishing boats tried to cut across our bow,
A couple of blasts on the horn made it change course.

Leaving Italy behind.

We had only been on board for a few minutes,
but my wife had already found a comfortable place to nap

The design on the bottle fascinated me.
And the fact that it was real ice…

Kwand-hare’s first cruise…

Much of the unpacking to do.
My wife was upset that there were no shelves in the cupboard,
but there are a couple of drawers that she has commandeered.
And were is my “stuff”?
In my suitcase…of course.

On our previous cruise I never used the gym once…
I promised myself that I would train every day that I was on board.


We always use Leon as he is always early and a pleasure to deal with.

Sherffeurs Shuttle Service.
Give Leon Sher a call on:

“Travel & Things” was an entrant in this competition.


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