The “non- sea” side of my walk from Coogee to Bondi Beach.

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Only in Oz…
Good on yer mate.
All that is missing is a keg!

Some of the non sea views that caught my eye…
This is part of an electrical sub station

OK, I lied about the sea views.
Looking down the main street of Coogee towards the sea.

A back-packers hidden in a side alley

At least you know what you are eating…

This is the Coogee Surf Club building.
A great venue for hire for special occassions

Lots of this type of architecture around this part of Sydney

Another view of the same building.

More coffee shops than you can shake a stirrer at.
There are also many specialist food shops.

In case you have eaten too much?

One of the large beach front hotels

Coming in to land…

Africa meets India and Oz

Some of the OTT beach front properties.
Camps Bay, eat your heart out!

“I must go down to the sea again”…
Trying to catch lunch?

This cemetery has the BEST view.
Perched on the cliff side,
overlooking the sea.

If they say so,
then it must be true…

Colour among the rocks

“A tablet is NOT a camera”!

I found this attached to a UTE…
I am not even going to hazard a guess at to why?
I have to admit that the “Mad Max” theme song did spring to mind.
Tomorrow we say goodbye to our family and board the Voyager of the Seas.
The next part of our adventure awaits…   

www.sablogawards.comAll images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission
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