This is close to where Voyager of the Seas was docked.
There was a Yoko Ono exhibition on,
but time constraints meant that we did not get to see it
The ship and the Sydney Opera House in juxtaposition.
Should give some idea of the scale of the ship.
We were in awe every time that we saw her!
Passengers returning to the ship at our final port of call
The ship departs punctually at the appointed time,
if passengers are late they get to wave the ship goodbye.
My favourite piece of towel art,
made by our stateroom attendant, Olinda.
During the course of the cruise, she surprised us with;
An elephant, a kangaroo, a bat, a monkey and a “Hello Kitty”.
There are seven galleys and I was lucky enough to be present at the dinner tasting session.
Each Chef prepares the meal that he will be making and it is tasted by the rest.
There was food left on all the plates…
all except one, which turned out to be one of the desserts.
There is a wide range of food on offer;
Vegan, vegetarian, Kosher, Halal, gluten free and sugar free.
Something for everyone in fact
One of the suites contains this Grand Piano.
I was told about it before our trip, but did not believe until I spotted it.
The staff work INCREDIBLY hard.
I found Katie wearing many hats.
This was her teaching line dancing to a group of passengers.
An emotional last meal as the dining room staff sing for us.
I have to admit that I had a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat.
A wonderful experience, made so much better by the staff that we interacted with
May I take this opportunity to wish all the crew and the passengers that we spent time with,
a VERY Merry Christmas
I do hope that our paths will cross again in 2014.
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