More wildlife from Machaba camp, Botswana


Me…hard at work.
THIS is the part of my “job” I love the most…
In the bush, with a camera!

I just LOVE the expression on the face of this young hippo 

A mongoose looking for some food. 

A cool drink of water on a HOT afternoon… 

Great when you can drink and play at the same time. 

These two giraffe walked through this waterhole,
just to get to the other side…
Perhaps they thought they were chickens? 

Dust bath… 

An African sunrise 

This is how you spot a leopard in a tree… 

Tummies full, these hyena came to drink

Caught in the afternoon sunlight.

These lions had killed an eaten a Kudu… 

We were able to spend time with them,
but were not able to find the remains of their kill 

Doing a spot of gardening? 

Once Sable roamed Gauteng in such vast numbers that they were shot,
not for trophies, but as meat for the farm workers 

I was once told that Buffalo always look at you as if you owe then money. 

The rain threatened, but held off… 

It was such a nice afternoon that even this Burchell’s Coucal was taking a stroll.
They are also known as the “Rain bird”, but this one did not live up to that name. 

Dinner time back at the camp.
Barbecue was on the menu…
or as we here in Africa call it…
A braai!

Thanks to Lara for this “back-of-head” shot.
Our final evening meal together.
What a wonderful experience.
My first “safari” was as a thirteen year old in 1966.
This visit to Machaba Camp with the Leopard ID Project
 has to be the highlight of  the past 47 years.
Many thanks to all involved.

All images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission

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