Karkloof Safari Spa, a haven of peace and tranquility.


After the heat and excitement of a recent safari in Botswana,
this calm and serenity of this Spa was most welcome.

Coffee…a great way to start the day.

These are NOT dog baskets for Great Danes.
These are for relaxing and reading.
There are no “public” computers or TV’S in the main building.

Since our last visit in 2010, the vegetation has grown(obviously)
and as a result the accommodation is almost completely hidden.
I was told that Karkloof is home to 300 bird species.
These Starlings are one of those…
Now I only have to spot 299 more.

Moss on a rolling stone?
Perhaps not…
But moss does grow on these.

Even in the haven of peace and tranquility, death lurks…
As this wasp discovered when it was killed by the spider.

A bridge too far?
Not really, just one of the many pathways that guests can use

There is innate beauty where ever I looked.
The thorns off this Acacia…

The remnants of this toadstool…

Staff utilize these battery operated golf carts to get around…
Or to transport guests to and from the spa.

The individual Villas do not have pools,
however the is a pool at the main building

The valley in the early morning (post rain) light…

This Gecko might look enormous but it was not…

The reception building is at the main gate…
keeping the admin away from the spa and surrounds.

Many happy guests from near and far.

Just part of my breakfast…

Mom and baby Bushbuck enjoy a quiet drink outside one of the treatment rooms.

I know how this Water Monitor feels…
This how I spent our time at Karkloof.
Check -in time is 08h00…check-out…20h00!
I defy any establishment to better that.
It means that guests are able to enjoy whole days
without having to worry about packing and storing luggage.


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