A Completely Unique Safari with the Leopard ID Project.


Some images from my recent trip to Machaba Camp in the Kwai region of Botswana.
Many thanks to Completely Unique Safaris who showed me how it should be done…

One of Africa’s endangered bird species,
the Ground Hornbill.

All creatures great and small.
This wasp was very busy looking for something to eat…

The camp site was home to more than a few of these…
Red-billed Spurfowl

An African Jacana strides across the wetlands in front of our camp

If you are looking for Elephants,
then Botswana will certainly produce them

We were looking to help Guy Ellis and his Leopard Identification Project,
and we did…ten different animals in the four days we were on safari

Including the Machaba female and her cub.
We saw them almost every day…

A Lechewe…an antelope not found in South Africa

An icon of the region…
An African Fish Eagle.

An easy way to find a kill…look for the vultures.
In this case, a White-headed Vulture.

We found leopards on every game drive…morning and evening.
This particular female kept us out well after dinner was served.
But it was worth it.

The moon is still visible as we prepare to head out on a drive.

A Saddle-billed Stork looking for a meal

A Bennett’s Woodpecker having breakfast…

This male leopard was in search of a meal as well…

and he found it!

leopard prints in the tire tracks.

A Giant Eagle Owl watches as we head back to camp

Just another wonderful day in Africa…



All images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission

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