Prana Lodge. Private Beach Estate & Spa, Chitsa Mouth, Wild Coast


Day 1: My first destination on a 5-day Eastern Cape junket.
It has been a while since I have set foot on a beach,
just a pity that a blustery wind spoilt my walk

My “home”for the next few days…
The suite is bigger than the townhouse that I used to live in

A bathroom that I could easily live in…
There is an outdoor shower through the door at the far end of the room

There are products strategically placed at the basin, bath and shower

And loads of lavender…

Just in case you are uncertain what this rack is for.

The attention to detail is paramount

The ceilings are made of wood that adds the the “beach” feel of the suite

Most of the suites have their own plunge pool…seen on the right of this picture.
There is one unit that does not have a pool

My “office”…

Even the toilet has a Persian carpet

The paths that inter-connect the various buildings on the property

This is the reception area…

And an extensive library

Usually a cat comes to greet…
At Prana, it was this Jack Russel

This building houses several dining areas, a lounge and bar.
The infinity pool did look inviting…

Using one problem to solve another.
Trying to get rid of used tyres is a world wide headache.
In Africa, erosion is a  problem for farmers as well as land owners.
Perhaps this is the solution?

Prana boasts 21km of unspoilt beach…
I did about 21 paces in the wind!

The steps that get guests to and from the beach…
Easy coming down, a little more difficult getting back up…
But the climb was worth it…

Because this was waiting for me for lunch.
Basically it was “fish and chips”
However, it is the Masterchef presentation
that take it from ordinary to the superb.
To find out more about Prana Lodge,
visit their website:

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