Although I have been “taking photographs”since the early ’70’s,
this was to be my first REAL photographic safari.
Being on a boat that is specially designed for photographers is a pleasure.
And have top wildlife photographer Grant Atkinson on board was a HUGE bonus.
Find out more about Grant at:
The boat is not allowed to leave until sunrise.
But the moment the sun rose, we set off for the nearby rapids
and the bird life that abounds in that area.
There were many of these juvenile Yellow-billed Storks,
all testing their new powers of flight and feeding for themselves
Guts Swanepoel, of Pangolin, keeping and eye on the guests.
You can use your own cameras,
or Pangolin will let you use their high end DSLR’s and lens
A Chobe road block…
A hippo, probably one of the most dangerous animals on the African continent
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