My final river game drive with Pangolin Photo Safaris, Chobe


Guts Swanepoel, Mr. Pangolin Photo Safaris…
When I grow up I too want a lens like his…

Another Pied Kingfisher with a small fish

If it has wings, its going to be in this posting!

This Grey Heron had mischief in mind…
but luckily nothing happened.

A Little Bee-eater.

Not really.
This Yellow-billed Stork was looking for snacks in the shallow water

Thick-knees always look startled…

A pair of mating Blacksmiths Lapwings

Off for a post-coital meal perhaps?

This Skimmer was surrounded by a flock of Ruffs,
but it was not too peturbed by them

This group of Ruffs seemed to take ownership of this stretch of bank.

Constant grooming is important…
Eventually the feather that was causing irritation was gotten rid of.
Let sleeping crocs lie?

Making a trunk call?

This small Jacana was following the elephant herd
feeding off the insects they disturbed

Cows with attitude? I fear not.
Buffalo are still considered Africa’s most dangerous animal to hunt

Two of the “Big 5”

This young Elephant had a tuft of grass on it’s back.
Keeping it for a snack?
The herds make their way homeward…

And so my last Chobe River game drive comes to an end.
Thanks to Grant Atkinson for helping helping me “up-my-photographic-game”

All images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission
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