Homeward bound with Airlink


The VERY friendly check-in staff at Kasane Airport.
Despite the fact that it was almost 40 degrees C,
and that the terminal is currently the centre of a dusty building expansion,
And that there was no aircon,
they smiled and were VERY cheerful.
Makes a HUGE difference…
Well done Airlink.

Our plane awaits… 

I found it interesting that our flight was carrying several passengers,
  booked on a rival airline that had cancelled their flight.

My office…
Look at the next photo… 

I am working.
The bird on the laptop is the White -fronted Bee-eater,
The Airlink logo. 

While I worked,
some of the passengers napped.
The flight is usually ninety minutes. 

Some ate…

And the food is really tasty…

Some read the aircraft instruction pamphlet…

And there were those who were re-living their adventure through their pictures

The crew were hard at work in the cockpit…
Very cheerful chaps…

And the single cabin attendant was doing the safety briefing.

I got some of the passengers to “play along”
and hold up copies of the Airlink magazine, Skyways.

I then turned my lens outwards…
The bone dry veld with the Kasane International Airport in the background.

With the words of a Joni Mitchell song playing in my head,
“I looked at clouds from both sides”…
Cloud formations on our way back to Johannesburg  

Just before landing…

Jozi, my Jozi… 

Part of an industrial area we flew over just before landing.
There should be a law passed that all approaches to airports should be appealing to the eye

Unfortunately, the transfer company that were going to fetch me did not.
And so, all that was left for me to do to complete my first Airlink experience,
was to hop onto the Gautrain and head back to Johannesburg.
My thanks to all the Airlink staff that made this flight such a pleasure.



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