Montecasino Bird Gardens.


As “research ” for my radio show, I spent a morning,

The Montecasino Bird Gardens on William Nichol in Northern Johannesburg

A very quiet African Grey Parrot was the first to greet me…

Although it is a “bird”garden,
here you can find creepies like spiders and poisonous frogs!

This is Jack, a Black Spined Toad…
“Jack be nimble, Jack be quick,
Jack jumped out of a candle stick”!
To find out more about his story, you will have to visit the gardens

Actually they are part of the bird show…

As is this Pelican.
The young boys thought it was COOL

This Cape Eagle Owl also forms part of the demonstration.
And for a few Rand, you can have YOUR picture taken with it.

Splashing about…
Which is what ducks do…

A Caribbean Flamingo

“I want to move it, move it”…
A Ring-tailed Lemur

A really big Blue and Gold Macaw.
Made me think of the Monty Python “Parrot sketch”…

This Green Wing Macaw one was doing chin-ups…
Or should that be “beak-ups” ?

An inquisitive Mongoose

A Grey Crowned Crane…
Beautiful plumage

This Manchurian Crane  looks like it has caviar on its head.

A wary Meerkat

A yawn from a Two-toed Sloth…
I was unaware that they had such big teeth.

The poster boy for the gardens…
A Toucan.
And I found Nemo…
To read part two:
To find out more about the Bird Gardens,
visit their web site:

All images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission

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