Elephants of the Chobe River.


Being on the Chobe River offers a different
photographic perspective.

Elephants can be found in large family groups…
or alone, like this fellow.

Every now and again one of the young bulls would take an interest in us.

and they would take time out from their feeding to “check us out”

Heading back into the Chobe Reserve on the Botswana side of the river.

A male Sable antelope has taken the interest of the elephant family.
But he was “allowed”to make his way to the river to have a drink.


Large and small.

Having fun in the mud.


“How did I get into this position”?

Kicking up the dust…

Heading for the river.

In the marsh…

feeding time.

Keeping an eye open as we “sneak”up on this pair.

Only one tusk.

This bull was part of a large herd eating in the marsh.

Three REALLY big chaps!

A highlight…
The Elephants enjoying swimming from the Botswana side of the river,
to the Namibian side to feed…
and then they do the reverse to get home…This trip was a 60th birthday present from:




Transport to and from O.R.T International airport
was supplied by;


My Sponsors

All images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission

Follow me on Twitter: @davidbatzofin