Our day tour in Gisenyi, Rwanda


This is the view of Lake  Kivu from the Hot Springs.
Kivu is the 6th largest lake in Africa …
The top 5 are:
Lake Victoria

Lake Tanganyika

Lake Malawi

Lake Turkana

Lake Albert

Forget “Bring on the empty horses”…
Enter the goats, stage right…

The arrival of the pens that our tour group leader bought…

Distribution was not easy as there were not enough for all of the youngsters

Time to say goodbye…
The happy group lead us out of the area…

Not too far away, this is the major brewery in Rwanda.
It has been making beer since 1959.
They also make soft drinks…

Downtown(?) Gisenyi…

Scooters seem to be the chosen method of transport

We did not stop to try this “Spa”out.

Do the scooter drivers charge for “excess” baggage?

These vehicles are operated by disabled drivers that work for a co-op.
They ply their trade between Rwanda and the D.R.C

Africa is NOT for sissies,
and the women are living proof of that fact.

Foot and vehicle traffic in both directions

These children are on the D.R.C side of the fence

The shanty town on the left is the D.R.C…
compared to the building work on the right which is in Rwanda.
The difference of these two economies is quite noticeable at this point

Stock for KFC?

Foot traffic…
Depending from which Rwandian province your ID document was issued,
the locals are allowed to cross the border without a passport.

One of the modern buildings that are the rule rather than the exception…

There is a lot that South Africa could learn from Rwanda.
To name a few…
1] No potholes
2] Clean streets
3] Traffic that might seem like chaos, but works!


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