My 60th…celebrated at Heia Safari Ranch, Muldersdrift

Senility prayer:
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked.
The good fortune to run into the ones I do…
and the eyesight to tell the difference!

The invite…
It is really great to have South Africa’s best political cartoonist as my father-in-law.
Many thanks Dov!

I was born on a Monday.
June 15 is the 166th day of the year.

My wonderful wife, Caro, who organised this event…
and had to try and keep secrets about the party from me,
even when she REALLY wanted to “keep me in the loop”.


My daughter, Jayne, who together with Caro,
worked tirelessly to help make this party a great success…
Thanks for taking time out of your VERY busy schedule to be with us today.
South African music legend, Larry Amos, provided the music.
Many thanks for driving all the way from the Cape
to be here to share your music and my birthday.

Being a Gemini,both of us thank YOU for sharing this with me
I was recently asked if I was enjoying my second childhood…
My response,”I have not left my first one yet”…
And speaking of which…

Some embarrassing images from my childhood…
My Vodacom advert, long before Michael de Pinna did his.

Willie Nelson and me?
Nope, Father Christmas at the OK Bazaars in Port Elizabeth in the early 60’s

We ALL have pictures from our Durban holidays lurking in a drawer somewhere.

3 years old…
But enough of the past,
back to the present…
I was born in the year of the snake…

Water is my element,
no wonder I enjoy being near it.

I might just be…
I have NO idea what this has to do with turning 60,
however I found it when I Googled “60”!

I was treated to an early birthday celebration at the Kivu Serena in Rwanda…

I have been visiting this venue since 1976…
In 2007, Caro and I got married on the banks of Lake Heritage
And I could not have chosen a better place to celebrate this milestone.
Many thanks to Gaby Burgmer, Bianca Rogers
all the Heia staff for making this a VERY special day!

My theme song…
so many places, too little time.
I said goodbye to my 50’s watching this “classic” with my daughter…

All images unless stated are the copyright property of and may not be used without permission

Follow me on Twitter: @davidbatzofin