A memorable morning near Gisenyi, Rwanda


Our morning boat ride on Lake Kivu ended near this “Paradise Island”…
But more about that trip in another posting.

The beauty of the local flora is eye-catching…

Our next stop was going to be the hot springs close by.
However, a traffic delay saw us stop next to this local version of “bokkoms”.
These small fish are caught in Lake Kivu and then sun-dried and sold.

Like in most of the African countries I have visited,
as soon as our vehicle stopped, it was mobbed by the local youngsters.

This fellow seemed to be wary of our intentions.

But unlike the usual cries for sweets and money,
what they were after was pen and paper!
Karin was able to supply some of the former,
I discovered a notebook in my camera bag and was able to supply the latter

This youngster did not want to feel left out…

Others heard what was going on,
came running…

This fellow was lucky enough to get a pen and a piece paper.
He was keen to write his name for us.

A piece of paper= a smile!

At first it was only the boys who were interacting with our group.
But soon these girls joined in

Big smiles all round…

Don’t be concerned, the car was static

This fellow made certain that everyone had a piece of paper

The hot springs…

Water hot enough to boil an egg or cook a mielie (corn on the cob)

Karin getting a warm hand massage.
She was also given a bottle of hot spring water as a gift.
And it kept hot for most of our drive back to the hotel.

This youngster got her share of the “spoils”…

A small Tilapia.

They were not chasing this goat, but they had heard that the pens had arrived!
More to follow…

My hosts for the weekend


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