Some creatures great and small.


Here in South Africa,
this species is being slaughtered at the rate of one every 10.5 hours!

Although I have been lucky enough to see White Rhino on almost every bush visit,
I still get a thrill out of spending time with them.

A female Golden Orb-web spider.
Like them or loath them,
this particular spider is stunning.

Monarch Butterflies…
there seemed to be lots around on my last visit to the bush.

This young Leopard cub did not like the sound of our cameras
and took a detour through the grass alongside our vehicle.

Something has to clean up the crap…
In this case it is the work of the Dung Beetle.

I have NO idea what this is.
It landed on the rifle bag belonging to our ranger.
She also had no idea what it is.

However, thanks to her, I know that this is a Mopani worm.
I have only ever seen them on a plate with a sweet chilli dipping sauce.

Look at the difference in size between the male and female African Elephants.

Part of a herd that we spotted in the Sabi River

A White Rhino in the fading sunset…

A Pigmy Kingfisher.
Unfortunately, this one was injured
and probably ended up- as a snack for a prowling predator

Country legend and one of my favourite performers,Willie Nelson turned 80 in 2013…
This is for him.
“On the road again,
Goin’ places I have never been.
Seein’ things that I may never see again,
I can’t wait to get on the road again”.

For such large creatures, Elephants are able to move almost silently though the thickest bush

If the day is overcast and cool,
it is not unusual to find a Hippo grazing close to water.

Dragonflies are also usually found near water.

Their colouring is spectacular.

Delicate wings…

Giraffe always look down at one…

One of the most underrated and unloved creatures in Africa.
The Spotted Hyena is capable of tenderness and a sense of family.All the images were shot during a variety of  recent bush visits

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