Although I have been lucky enough to see White Rhino on almost every bush visit,
I still get a thrill out of spending time with them.
This young Leopard cub did not like the sound of our cameras
and took a detour through the grass alongside our vehicle.
I have NO idea what this is.
It landed on the rifle bag belonging to our ranger.
She also had no idea what it is.
However, thanks to her, I know that this is a Mopani worm.
I have only ever seen them on a plate with a sweet chilli dipping sauce.
A Pigmy Kingfisher.
Unfortunately, this one was injured
and probably ended up- as a snack for a prowling predator
Country legend and one of my favourite performers,Willie Nelson turned 80 in 2013…
This is for him.
“On the road again,
Goin’ places I have never been.
Seein’ things that I may never see again,
I can’t wait to get on the road again”.
One of the most underrated and unloved creatures in Africa.
The Spotted Hyena is capable of tenderness and a sense of family.All the images were shot during a variety of recent bush visits
All images are the copyright property of
and may not be used without permission
Follow me on Twitter: @davidbatzofin