I return to Arts on Main


I have no idea who or what is being serviced,
but I thought that the sign was fun…

Some alternate views of Arts on Main…

Green amongst the steel…

Steel against the sky.

Polished concrete steps.
Don’t see many of these anymore.

Fading paint work one one of the exterior walls.

Does this remind you of a PINK FLOYD song?
The exterior walls seem to have been built either at different times
they had a builder with a strange sense of decoration.

Old tram lines

This is where the market is held,
however, it was silent and deserted when I was there.

For me, this is the best space!

A lot of the wooden beams have been left exposed,
together with their fastenings.

More concrete!
This staircase leads to the second floor exhibition space…

Looking like uncomfortable bean-bag cushions,
or 2nd world War mines.
I am uncertain as to what they represent,
but they added a splash of colour.

From the top of the staircase…

The upstairs space…
I have no idea what sort of archive is behind these doors,
as I have never been able to visit.
It seems to be permanently closed.

Autumn colours…
This is where I was headed.
Tucked away at the very back of the complex is the performance/ exhibition space.

I had come to see “Sfeer”
a production written and directed by Naomi van Niekerk.
Naomi also performs together with…
Musician,Arnaud van Vliet,
whose music added an wonderful layer to the naive and touching storyline
The program notes have this quote, which sums up the concept perfectly:
” A world of light and dark, of ghostly objects and sand;
an inviting dreamscape in which we are reminded that imagination is more important than knowledge”
(Albert Einstein)

And the “shadow”, dancer and choreographer, Athena Mazarakis.
She is the other “character” in the production.
Naomi is a puppeteer by training, could Athena be a living puppet.?
The run at this venue is now over,
but they do hope to be performing at other gallery spaces in and around Johannesburg.
Keep an eye open for “Sfeer”…well worth seeing!


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Follow me on Twitter: @davidbatzofin