The “ultimate”sound/sight of Africa…
An African Fish Eagle

“And the leaves that were green turn to brown”…Simon and Garfunkel
The start of autumn in the park

Tracks on tracks…
Landie v Lion!

The “national ” bird of the park
The Lilac Breasted Roller

Kruger, our tracker…

“They went that way”…
Alexandra our ranger

A face that only a mother can love?
Warthog on the move…

A male Buffalo being “harassed” by an Oxpecker

A Thick-knee

A Grey Heron…

An Elephant take-away spot.

A male Nyala…
Known in Zulu as “An old man in a rain coat”

Up close with some White Rhino…
This is how we like to see them.
Not lying feet in the air with parts missing!

Hippo in the fading afternoon sunlight.

A woodpecker

Zebra on this visit were rather scarce.

While Monarch butterflies were plentiful!

Rutting season…
Female Impala on the run…

A young Crested Barbet

A majestic Martial Eagle…
For further
information or reservations please contact:
Lion Sands
Private Game Reserve
All images are the copyright property of

and may not be used without permission