“Blog it”…

picture from Google images
My late mentor,John Gregg introduced me to country music in the early ’70’s.
Since then I tend to see my life in terms of the lyrics of my favourite country artists.
“ON THE ROAD AGAIN” certainly seems to encapsulate my career path currently.
Listen while you read and judge for yourselves.
I have been asked about my blogging on many occasions,
And I thought I would take time to give you, my reader, some insight.
The “story behind the song”…so to speak.
In 2006, I stood on the summit of the highest freestanding mountain on our continent.
and to prove how South African I was I sang a Steve Hofmeyr song!
 I did it to raise money for charity.
I was back there in 2014…
This time it was too cold to sing!
Again for a charity.

This is so true…
During my travels I have met some wonderful people.
Some who have stayed in my life and others who have moved on.
My best traveling companion has to be my wife,
 who has to put up with my need to photograph anything and everything I see.
She has learned over our years of travel together that luggage does not get unpacked until I have taken pictures of “the room”…
I was lucky enough to meet Jim and Jo Matson during a trip to Botswana.
Thanks to a really noisy Italian guest on a game drive vehicle,
I asked to be moved and they kindly allowed me on their vehicle.
Although they live in the USA, we kept in touch via email for more than a decade.
We have since shared several wonderful adventures on their visits to Africa
All being well we will see them again in August 2016…
As a result of my Blog, I often get to interact with celebrities…
some of them who take themselves FAR too seriously!
David Vlok is NOT one of those…
He was one of the drivers on the 2012 Total Economy Run that I Blogged about.
Although he and his team did not win, he got into a lot of photographs.
Photo by Jo Matson
My favourite bush hat that was lost in the Sabi Sands game reserve for 4 days.
It had been with me for 12 years and we had shared many adventures and experiences together.
I was totally devastated by the loss
and had resigned myself to the fast that I would never see it again…
However, much to my surprise,it was found by a British couple
on our very last game drive together.
This is probably one of my favourite places to “regroup”…
Lake Heritage at Heia Safari Ranch in Muldersdrift near Johannesburg.
I have been Blogging extensively about the property for the last three years
 but have been visiting the property since 1976.
This is the “things” part of “Travel & Things”…
I enjoy acoustic music and I have covered competitions as well as musical events.
I did try electric rock, but it was too loud.
 I have Blogged about wrestling as well as cage fighting events
 Now I can add boxing to that group of contact sports.
I have been able to fly in helicopters to get shots.
Like this one of Lake Heritage.
I have been up close and personal with a variety of wildlife.
Both exotic…
and local…
My love of wildlife has allowed me to visit some spectacular game reserves and witness most of the species that Africa has to offer.
HOWEVER…Pangolin still eludes me.
The number one on my “Wildlife Bucket list” was achieved after 47 years of bush visits,
when early in 2013 I witnessed a kill.
I try to get down to the sea on occasion.
My wife enjoys getting her toes wet while I take photographs.
The lyrics of a Zac Brown Band song have been running through my head:
“I’ve got my toes in the water,
my ass in the sand”…
Want to hear the rest of the song?
Use this link:
Even beach “rubbish” can make an interesting image.
And, of course, add that something different to a Blog posting.
My job as a Blogger can be dangerous…
More people are killed every year by falling coconuts than by sharks!
This one landed close by while I was working…
I also get to witness different cultures at work and at play.
These Sega dancers kept me entertained on a recent trip to Mauritius.
But best of all…
I get to work from home…a lot…
and that means I can watch the bird life in our garden
This Cape Robin is a regular visitor
My own radio program adds another layer to my Blogging.
Broadcast once a week it has become the audio extension of “Travel & Things”
To find the podcasts of all my shows, use this link
“Take me home country roads”?
Not just yet…
too much travelling still to do.
Some critics complain that we (working writers/bloggers)
 have to write glowing reports about the places we visit.
Yes, we are hosted by the various entities that send us to wonderful
and exciting places both locally and internationally,
it is my credibility as a writer that is on the line,
and I would therefore write truthfully…or not at all.
This posting is a case in point:
All images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission
Follow me on Twitter: @davidbatzofin
Visit my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/david.batzofin
Travel & Things has it’s own Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/travelandthings