Part 1: Port Louis.


This was a return visit for me.
I was last here in 2006.
Some changes,some things have remained the same
Just in case you are lost…
East or West?
Ask a policeman!

This site is dedicated to the post slavery indentured workers
that came from India to work on the sugar plantations

This is the plaque at the entrance to the facility


There are a total of 16 steps from the quay side to the workers being welcomed into their new life

The contracts were for five years.
This was part of the ablution block

The roofs to all the building were lost in a hurricane some years ago

This long room was where the workers stayed before they were sent to their place of work

No a real person…

This market could be ANYWHERE in the world.
Full of food, spices and cheap imported trinkets to entice the tourists.
Take a guide with you to keep persistent traders at bay

Local food without chillies?
Unheard of!
Check before you bite into anything

Notice was ignored by most,
however the police to remove “illegal”traders from time to time

Could these be headed to…


A view of the rack track from the fort at the top of the hill


This could be Cape Town…
My thanks to Pretty, my guide, from SummerTimes
Her knowledge and passion for her country was contageous.

My “home”for the next three nights…
Le Touessrok.

a shower before dinner…
This airline offers 10 daily and 3 night flights a week from Johannesburg
There are 3 direct return flights a week from Cape Town

For reservations or further information, call World Leisure Holidays on 0860 954 954
Email them: visit their website:

Island transport provided by:

All images are the copyright property of  and may not be used without permission

Follow me on Twitter: @davidbatzofin