Out of the ashes…Mosetlha Bush camp rises again.


I recently returned to this camp
that had suffered a devastating fire in December,2012

I was not expecting to find this as I stepped out of the vehicle.
Where the dining-room and kitchen had been…nothing!

Luckily the Lapa had survived(except for the thatch roof)
And it is currently being used as a multi purpose venue

Even though the door to the lamp store was destroyed,
the store and its highly flammable contents was not

Looking from the lamp room across the slab where the kitchen used to be

Only one of the cabins was slightly damaged

Nothing in the central area survived the inferno.
Glassware, crockery, cutlery and all the kitchen implements have had to be replaced

A new wine range has been added

Looking over the “bar” towards “my” cabin

The seating area has been reduced to accommodate the new table,
but this is only a temporary measure

The new table…just getting it to the camp was a story on its own

The guest book has had to be replaced, but the new one is already filling up!

Bar, dining area and lounge all under one roof…for now.

The fire/braai areas survived and are already hosting guests

The new table is already the focal point of pre and post game drive chats

Somethings have not changed…water for the showers

The donkey boiler for heating water…

and paraffin lamps to light the way at night…

the scars are still there, but the accommodation is solid.

It might take a while for the physical evidence to disappear,
and perhaps longer for the mental trauma to fade
but Chris, June,Caroline and the staff are hard at work repairing the damage
Like the proverbial Phoenix, Mosetlha WILL rise stronger and better than before.
To find out more about the camp, visit:


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