Slender Mongoose v Pale Chanting Goshawk


I recently visited my favourite “bush camp” in Madikwe…

On my final game drive, I spotted this Pale Chanting Goshawk…
In itself, not an unusual sighting.

But things were about to change…
Enter this Slender Mongoose.

The Goshawk had NO idea that it was there

and it continued to preen…

Now the mongoose was getting bold!

And it started up the stump.

STILL the Goshawk failed to notice it

The mongoose was VERY casual in its approach

Like Jack in “Jack and the Beanstalk”,
up it went


still closer…


I wonder what the mongoose was thinking…

and what the Goshawk was thinking…


Get off my tree!

Well, if you won’t go, I will!

The mongoose( lower right of picture) watches as its new “friend” vanishes…
The whole interaction lasted about three minutesThis is an edited extract from Roberts regarding the Goshawks foraging and food sources.
It seems that Mongooses are their friends in hunting for prey and this little fellow was obviously being inquisitive and making a nuisance of itself.
Goshawks hunt mainly from perches (97% of 397 strikes), including utility poles and fence-posts. 
Prefers highest available perches; strike distances positively correlated with perch height. Strike success 11-12%; lower in juveniles than adults. 
Changes hunting perches frequently (typically every 11.0-12.5 min), but may use 1 perch for up to 3hr5. 
Follows Honey Badgers and Slender Mongooses, sometimes in groups, hunting flushed prey, including rodents. 
Possibly has same association with Black-backed Jackals and Rock Monitors. 
One was recorded following a Cape Cobra for 30 min, eventually catching gecko disturbed from hole by snake“.

Ranger Johnny, and guests jump for joy at this sighting.
Does anyone have an explanation for this behaviour?
Answers to
To find out more about the camp, visit: 

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