Bird life in Madikwe on game drives from Mosetlha Bush camp


Our game drive started of with this sighting…
Not certain what sort of butterfly this caterpillar might become

Johnny, our ranger setting up our morning coffee stop

Let the birding begin!
Male Shaft-tailed Whydah

Swainson’s Spurfowl

A flock of red-billed Queleas

Cape Glossy Starlings

Southern Carmine Bee-eater

A rather damp and bedraggled African Red-eyed Bulbul
after a dip in the birdbath in camp

A Spoonbill being harassed by an Egyptian Goose

One of the “prettiest doves…The Namaqua dove

Cape Laughing dove

A female Knob-billed duck

Reflection time…a White-faced Whistling duck

a Spotted Eagle Owl…

and in flight…

A calling Rufous-naped Lark

A Yellow-billed Hornbill

A Marico Flycatcher.

A Wood Sandpiper

And no Madikwe birding postig would be complete without on of these,
A Lilac-breasted Roller…

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