Not one of the “Big 5″…the Southern Masked Weaver


From September to February,
these male Southern Masked Weavers are busy building…

and rebuilding their nests in order to attract a mate.

Considering it only builds with its beak, these nests are works of art.

Trying to attract the attention of a possible mate by fluttering wings and calling

busy, busy, busy…

“Is it good enough”?

“perhaps not”…

the rather drab female arrives to check out the accommodation…

and she is VERY fussy!

This Nile Crocodile lives close to one of the colonies I was photographing

Almost a mirror image…

About to start building…

the build begins…

and less than 24 hours later it is ready.
Not even”Extreme home makeover” can build this fast

Another prospective mate?

on the lookout…

show day.

working on an extension?

no time to hang around…

always be building…
These two colonies were found at Jamala Madikwe and Tau Game Lodge
in the Madikwe Game Reserve

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