Comfort food…mine and theirs…

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Scrambled eggs on toast, one of MY favourite comfort foods.
Add apricot jam and it takes be back to my childhood,instantly!
I asked friends about their comfort foods
and this was the response:

Smoked salmon and cream cheese on a bagel.
With lettuce, tomato.sweet onion and…
Brooks S

Ice cream
Sharon B

Cheeseburger, always
Richard “Citizen” J

Pap and stew, filling, tasty and home cooked
Heather H.S

Jonathan T

Soft boiled eggs with toast soldiers. Can be eaten any time of the day
Tammy B G

Snickers…the first of the chocolate.
Alex H

Lemon chicken, usually served with boiled potatoes, rice and peas.
This tradition has been passed to the children
Elise F

Mac and cheese…with tomato sauce.
Tanya S

Bacon and eggs, served with…

this, of course!
David S

Cheese and jam sandwich
Gracia P

Toasted cheese and tomato
Bridget v O

Roast potatoes
Bernice K

Corn chips…
Carolyn F-B

A Tunisian breakfast soup. mushy and soothing
Alan S

Lasagna and salad
Chantelle G

Lindt dark chocolate

Pasta with Neapolitan sauce
Gaby B
I am certain that every dish has a story
As you read this posting, you might recognize one(or more) as a favourite of yours.
All images courtesy of Google Images… 

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